Tomato, belonging to the family of Solanaceae, is originally grown in the Andes mountain range in Ecuador, South America. 西红柿,属茄科,原产南美洲厄瓜多尔安第斯山脉。
Certain plant families, including the poppy family ( Papaveraceae) and the nightshade family ( Solanaceae), are particularly rich in them. 某些植物科类(包括罂粟科和茄科)的生物碱含量特别丰富。
In the grasses ( and possibly some members of the nightshade family, Solanaceae) the germinating pollen tube is blocked before it penetrates the stigma or just as it starts. 禾本科植物,可能还有茄科的一些植物萌发的花粉管在穿透柱头之前或刚刚穿透柱头时就会被堵塞。
Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum, an annual herb of the family Solanaceae is a very important vegetable crop worldwide. 番茄,属茄科一年生草本植物。